So what happens if the Socialists top the poll but fall short of an absolute majority?
——柯林斯例句As such, he is foredoomed to fall short of our expectations.
既然如此, 他注定不能达到我们的期望.
——期刊摘选For all have sinned fall short of the glory of God.
互联网Now, our supply fall short of demand.
现在, 我们的产品供不应求.
互联网Those recorders still fall short of the quality requirements.
互联网And each time I will fall short of Your glory, How far will forgiveness abound?
我每次拉下你神圣的光环, 你对我的宽恕会到什么程度?
互联网Demand would fall short of supply, leaving willing workers on the shelf.
需求将少于供给, 致使愿意工作的人失业.
互联网You may continue to exceed onlookers expectations but always fall short of the boss'expectations.
互联网Romans 3:23 All sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
互联网If the measurements fall short of the minimum value, the windings should be dried out.
如果测量数值低于最小值, 绕组就应烘干.
互联网This month we may fall short of our goals.
互联网Our achievements always fall short of our aspirations and expectations.
互联网If you are forward of your position, your artillery will fall short.
你推进的位置距离防线越远 ﹐ 我军炮兵的射程就越短.
——期刊摘选This kind of modus operandi fall short of our policy.
——期刊摘选When plans and dreams fall short of your hopes.
——期刊摘选Was what happened truly a failure, or did I just fall short?
究竟是失败, 还是仅仅是没达到自己的要求?
——期刊摘选If you are forword of you position , the artillary will fall short.
每当你要攻击前进时, 炮兵往往也要用完了炮弹.
——期刊摘选Most e - businesses fall short on at least one of these three Cs.
——期刊摘选When plans and dreams fall short of you hopes.
——期刊摘选The health of that market will be in doubt if deals fall short of expectations.
——期刊摘选英语网 · 双语新闻
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